I just can’t resist Michael Jackson!MUST WATCH!Isn’t he HOT? RARE PICTURES

This video has the 86 of some of the SEXIEST Michael Jackson pictures. I can’t deny that I am TOTALLY in love with MJ! I always have, but I never knew how to say it….but now tht he’s gone, I owe it to tell peopl.. The pictures have many deep meaningful phrases! You might not be able to read some though! I hope you enjoy!
Michael Jackson was the best performer and entertainer of all time…the KING OF POP! NO ONE CAN DEFEAT HIM! His most known dance move is the moonwalk and where he holds his crotch!He was born on August 29th 1958 and unfortunately left us on Thursday June 25th 2009! His legend will live on and his memories remain with us…ALWAYS!

Duration : 0:6:6


13 responses to “I just can’t resist Michael Jackson!MUST WATCH!Isn’t he HOT? RARE PICTURES”

  1. LaurenMARIEmonaghan Avatar

    he loved being …

    he loved being black,
    but he had a desiese that
    takes the pigmant out
    of your skin and makes you white if
    your black and if your white it turns you black.

  2. merciless41582 Avatar

    Why did he mess his …
    Why did he mess his face up? Did he wanna be a black man?

  3. LaurenMARIEmonaghan Avatar

    i agree with you he …
    i agree with you he is hot
    but sometimes
    he did look not that
    still luuv him to bits.

  4. centhacker Avatar

    Visit kopsemporium. …
    Visit kopsemporium. blogspot . com to watch free videos of the King of Pop
    without searching for it.

    Please Visit and Leave a comment on the blog!
    R.I.P King!!

  5. PinkRose11121 Avatar

    i like the picture …
    i like the picture on 0:52,1:27,1:43, 2:39,2:56,3:21,3:35,3:45,3:51,4:44

  6. sbtoria Avatar

    i love 5:48 and 2:40
    i love 5:48 and 2:40

  7. kpopoola Avatar


  8. kristy5030 Avatar

    he is so cute at 2 …
    he is so cute at 2:40 and 3:44

  9. supercells0809 Avatar

    he was so cute in 3 …
    he was so cute in 3:52 and 5:50 and all the other ones before he changed so much if only someone woudlve reminded him how cute he really was R.I.P M.J.J

  10. shicalista Avatar

    So true
    he is soo …

    So true
    he is soo hoooooot

  11. applelady93 Avatar

    awesome video.keep …
    awesome video.keep it up.luv this song too.

  12. ih8swaley Avatar

    great vid! i <3 MJ …
    great vid! i <3 MJ and he is sooo hot!

  13. victoriatodd Avatar


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