This is a simple demonstration of how programmable spring actuators can be used to create a set of robot legs with in-built stepping reflexes. The robot ‘walks’ when it is pulled along on its leash. All the behaviour is embedded in the actuators. When a leg is perturbed beyond a limit, the shoulder actuator sends a binary signal to the knee actuator, which lifts the leg off the ground. The leg drops back when it has swung forward far enough. When one leg takes a step it will also send a signal to suppress the stepping reflex in the other leg, which stops them both stepping at the same time.
For more details about Programmable Spring Actuators go to:
And you can find a page about how this robot works via the Videos page on my site, or through here:
I also have a page on the Brighton Robotics Community website here:
Duration : 0:2:46
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