Lego Battlebot: Hazardous – Special Wedge/lifter request

Requested by Kratos85:

This Robot, I was eager to build since not only was it my first flipper but I was pumped and determined after watching a robot called Biohazard built by Carlos Bertochinni just completely hoist robots into the air and I’m wondering how does he do that?
Well he’s combined a special 4 bar flipper/lifter arm with some linear actuators to make the ultimate robot. It could lift a regular sized car! (about 1 ton of lifting force right there O.o) So by now you’re probably thinking this robot is going to be like biohazard. Well the flipper part is going to be atleast 😛
Well me being a avid robot wars fan; this is my tribute to the world of roboteering, and I hope this can give you a small piece of knowledge about it. Wether your building lego battlebots (like me… small scale stuff):P to fighting some of the meanest machines out there like razer or ziggy it’s all basicly the same thing.

With all that said and done I just want to give you a link to the channel of a good friend of mine who shares the same interest of mine, ochayedonald. He’s got a few robot videos on there also. Some of which are pretty neat!

Down with the sickness by disturbed
Cat Scratch fever (cover) by pantera originally done by ted nugeant.


I’ve now started some series and I’ve gone and rebuilt hazardous for the about 5th time now and added in some of the new lego actuators to give it a astounding 5 pounds of lift! (Thats pretty good considering its lego).
Here’s one of my favorites:

Duration : 0:3:18


7 responses to “Lego Battlebot: Hazardous – Special Wedge/lifter request”

  1. Scorge120 Avatar

    yeah I kinda know …
    yeah I kinda know that since I mentioned it atleast 3 times in the description and in the video.
    they are lego power functions.

  2. RERobotics Avatar

    dude, the real …
    dude, the real robot is called Biohazard, not Hazardous.. otherwise, it’s pretty cool. what motors are those?

  3. markvideovault Avatar

    i mean a sipning …
    i mean a sipning disk

  4. Scorge120 Avatar

    I’ve made quite a …
    I’ve made quite a few of those. If you want some footage check out devastator, rampage or doomsday battlebot xtreme mayhem.
    Those are bar spinner’s the most effective with lego. I doubt making a saw like the one on deadmetals from robot wars would be any good in combat. There’s weighted discs which are also good in lego. What do you mean by a saw?

  5. markvideovault Avatar

    try to build one …
    try to build one with a saw on it

  6. ochayedonald Avatar

    When I saw the …
    When I saw the flipper move I understood how effective it would be. It’s the most aesthetic so far but it still has the powerful weapon and tough-looking build of your older creations. I just ordered about 9 of those 40 tooth cogs : D – you’re robots are still going to wipe the floor with mine!!!

    At 00:31 I think the robot looks great! A grabbing weapon which would be really great if you had a pit. Just watched it again and I have to say this robot looks so good

    Thanks for the mention!!!

  7. kratos85 Avatar

    nice, the back is …
    nice, the back is huge maybe make it longer so the back dosnet need to stick up, what am i saying nvm it looks nice man 10/5 on the build and video

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