Mobile Robot controlled by HUMAN and MICE (ICAM 160) — Edmond Yee

Temp. documentary

Duration : 0:3:47






4 responses to “Mobile Robot controlled by HUMAN and MICE (ICAM 160) — Edmond Yee”

  1. ectyecty Avatar

    first, thank you …
    first, thank you for making a comment on my proj…. i have never thought that garnet yourself would be interested in seeing this…

    Lolz, yes i got a couple people asking me that and you are actually correct: the mice are really screwed inside the wheel, is just that the wheel is removable and everytime i m done performing, i will just remove the wheel and unscrew them…

  2. garnethertz Avatar

    Hi Edmund – …
    Hi Edmund – Benjamin had mentioned this project to me the last time I ran into him. Looks interesting.

    I thought that the two-mice configuration was the best design.

    Also, if you are demoing this in public, it might be a good idea to make it visually understandable to the average person how the mice get out of their wheels and not give the impression that they are stuck in there. I think this is pretty important – they look like the covers are screwed into place.

  3. swr999tube Avatar

    Looking good…. …
    Looking good…. but for additional performance, “poke him with a chopstick”.

  4. stalbaum Avatar

    Hi Edmund, yes …
    Hi Edmund, yes please do come and let these run loose in my class on Thursday. It has been a long time since I allowed anyone to release live mice during a lecture… too long really.

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