Since I’ve built 19 robots and countless other failures I decided to share what I know about building lego robots and making them run to the best of their abilitys. The guide is showing the construction of my newly built battlebot called the drop zone.
I tried to make this video as un-boring as possible but if you want to build a good sturdy battlebot then hopefully you can get a few ideas or lightbulbs popping over your heads out of this.
**Extra building hints (arn’t in the video):
when your building be sure to keep any rare pieces that you find because even though they seem pointless now, they may prove to be a big part of your creation and if you used it somewhere else where you could have used another block or technic piece that would have done the same, you’re screwed. What I mean by rare is that you only might have a few pieces of the same kind of them in your lego tub or whatnot. (it’s happened to me countless times, it’s a small thing but very annoying).
any weaponry that you made or removed from a robot try to keep it intact, taking the weapon apart when you don’t need to, to find out you need it again after you’ve taken it apart is a pain.
Clearing up, tank tread type steering is when there is atleast 1 motor per wheel/tire making it be able to turn on the dime. Unlike the regular rack and pinion, or linear steering system you dont have to move the vehicle forwards or backwards to get it to turn.
Pretty much thats it, if I think of anything else or you have questions just ask me.
Duration : 0:7:39
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