Ars Electronica 2009: Geminoid HL-1 with Horst Hörtner (Part 1)

Ars Electronica Center
Main Gallery: RoboLab

Geminoid HI1, Hiroshi Ishiguro (JP)
Featured Artist Talk with Hiroshi Ishiguro (JP)/ Geminoid HL-1 and Horst Hörtner (AT)

Hiroshi Ishiguro, professor at the University of Osaka and quest group leader at ATR Intelligent robotics and Communication Laboratories, developed and served as the model for HI-1, the very first geminoid.

supported by EU-Japan Fest Committee and Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) of Japan Science and Technology Agency (Device Art)

Duration : 0:10:0


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