Micro Battle Bot (v1.0)

Ok, here’s a cool little battle bot my buddy Ryan Archer showed me how to make. All you have to do is have an elevon mixing enabled radio, 2, 7-9 gram micro servos (high speeds are preferred, like Turnigy TG9s), a micro receiver (AR6100, Berg 4L, ect.), a 2 cell lipo battery (250 mah is preferred), and a BEC (like a Castle UBEC). Follow this link if you want to know how you can mod your servos for continuous spinning:


It’s fun too. You can add all sorts of weapons to it, like a spinning blade, or a thrower arm, or anything that doesn’t generate heat. micro components don’t like heat (especially the lipos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Duration : 0:1:6






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