The Cubelets arrived!

Exciting times in modular robotics land! A former coworker of mine started a company aptly named “Modular Robotics” who, over the past years, developed a modular robotic toy construction kit named Cubelets. After spending years finding out how hard developing a hardware product is, they finally shipped the first batch of 100 beta release kits. Being excited about having modular robots around that (unlike my own research modular robots) function reliably, I couldn’t resist shooting a short video of my first experiments with Cubelets.

Duration : 0:12:23





17 responses to “The Cubelets arrived!”

  1. DanoninoBG Avatar

    When they are mass- …
    When they are mass-produced their price will drop down for sure. I’ll wait till 16 cubes cost? $80 at max. $5 per cube seems possible (hopefully) in the future.

  2. 2RandomStudios Avatar

    The look like a lot …
    The look like a lot of fun, but for sake this is a? recession!
    I can’t go plunking $160 down on only 6 of these things. The markup must be at least 300%! Hell, I could buy myself another Radeon HD 6870 for that much. And I guarantee you the 6870 has 100x more technology packed into it.

  3. LightBoy74 Avatar

    fap fap fap fap fap …
    fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap? fap fap ))))

  4. MrDragonfyr Avatar

    $160? USD for 6 …
    $160? USD for 6 cubes… bit expensive!

  5. h3nkku Avatar

    @IUsedToBeAPygmy? …
    @IUsedToBeAPygmy? learn to count. 20 cubes.

  6. Aero089 Avatar

    @joerush25 Or a …
    @joerush25 Or a strobe; since its own light would cause it to turn off, therefore making it dark? again, therefore turning on etc. etc.

  7. Choco510 Avatar

    @IUsedToBeAPygmy …
    @IUsedToBeAPygmy This is a beta kit. I’m sure it’s wasn’t the? same. It all came in a single box also. They’ll be cheaper.

  8. IUsedToBeAPygmy Avatar

    This is? 16 cubes. …
    This is? 16 cubes. 6 cubes cost $160.
    So this is $426 of cubes.
    They look fun and all, but not $426 fun.

  9. joerush25 Avatar

    holy you could …
    holy you could connect the? [battery > light sensor > inverter > light ] to create an automatic flashlight!

  10. Dacpmovies Avatar

    dude this thing is? …
    dude this thing is? sooo cool o and thanks for the sensor tip but does the rotation cube sometimes work right?

  11. Shubhampatni86 Avatar

    cool? featured..
    cool? featured..

  12. SnowLeopardx88 Avatar

    AWESOME system! Do …
    AWESOME system! Do each cubelet communicate with each other using some sort? of serial protocol? =)

  13. ThePeperinoboek Avatar

    lol i want it but …
    lol i want it but it is almost free
    just 300 dollar thats the dubbel wat i get with my? job in a jear

  14. pointblankscars Avatar

    pretty cool stuff. …
    pretty cool stuff. . would these? allow to hinge each block. . allowing it to flew ?

  15. RoyalTHammer Avatar

    I’m really looking …
    I’m really looking forward? to getting me some of these, they look awesome. The $300 price tag is the only thing holding me back at the moment though :/

  16. clbwright Avatar

    I just went to …
    I just went to summer camp with Jon. He told us about these, and some of? the stuff that he does to make them

  17. flexibilityenvelope Avatar

    Great Video! so …
    Great Video! so much to learn in there.
    For instance I didn’t know about the dead zone
    of the IR blocks but now when I think about? it it
    makes perfect sense!

    I am looking forward to more videos, both of the
    Cubelets, and of your own modules even though
    the might be bleeding edge and not that reliable 🙂
    We can handle, no, we thrive on the bleeding edge:-)


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