This woman won a contest for a new PERGOMAX floor, with just one catch. We didn’t tell her she’d be hosting the ultimate robot deathmatch, featuring high school robotics students and their floor-torturing robots. Pergo & Battlebots: Floor Wars.

Like this video on Facebook, and you’ll be entered to win a new PergoMax floor of your own. (This time no BattleBots.)

PERGO and PERGOMAX are registered trademarks of Pergo LLC. All claims and warranties supported by Pergo LLC only.

Duration : 0:2:15





17 responses to “PERGOMAX & BATTLEBOTS: Floor Wars”

  1. williwonti Avatar

    I was ready to be …
    I was ready to be impressed by this, but? then I noticed they nerfed all the ‘killer robots’. Not really what it pretends to be.

  2. iF6u Avatar

    Did anyone else see …
    Did anyone else see this advertised on Failblog as “Robots vs Pergo”, misread it as “Robots vs Preggo” and became deeply? concerned bout the red sustenance the floor that now looked like blood? o_o Just me?

  3. GropagaGTM Avatar

    ummm….i want to …
    ummm….i want to see eruption throwing pergomax floor to sky or razer crushing it or saw point running? over it than underweight combat robots fighting in floor

  4. huan na Avatar
    huan na

    $35 for NIKE Shoes; …
    $35 for NIKE Shoes;
    $34 for? LV Handbag;
    $11 for Rayban Sunglasses;
    $80 for Rolex Watches;
    36shopping. com—-The Coolest Shopping site !!!!!!

  5. TheChinesea Avatar

    Three Best things? …
    Three Best things? in the World for me now:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
    1. Tom——My boyfriend!
    2. 99Cheap. com–the Cheapest Shopping site?
    3. the video above—- the most ironical and interesting video I think:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]

  6. huan na Avatar
    huan na

    $35 for NIKE? Shoes …
    $35 for NIKE? Shoes;
    $34 for LV Handbag;
    $11 for Rayban Sunglasses;
    $80 for Rolex Watches;
    36shopping. com—-The Coolest Shopping site !!!!!!

  7. GropagaGTM Avatar

    Or Saw? point from …
    Or Saw? point from RW season 4

  8. GropagaGTM Avatar

    Now i want to use …
    Now i want to use saw point in this.?

  9. Spaceisprettybig Avatar

    Just…. just stop. …
    Just…. just stop. Look first of all all the fake youtube comments are just pathetic. Seriously if you’re going to use plants get ones a? little less obvious. As for the video, where’s your demographic? Housewives are going to get bored half way through and do you really think the 18-24 y/o demo isn’t going to see right through this? You don’t think they’re not going to be insulted?

    Look it’s a clever idea, but the reference is just to old, and the execution is just so messy. Nice try…

  10. apt95 Avatar

    I’d? let com bots …
    I’d? let com bots from robogames take place in my house on that new floor if I got one.

  11. apt95 Avatar

    Just…damn! Liked.?
    Just…damn! Liked.?

  12. pockypimp Avatar

    The look on? her …
    The look on? her face is priceless!

  13. Jessamineces Avatar

    I think this floor …
    I think this floor would stand up to my three big dogs, 2 cats, 1 grandchild and family reunions.
    Need this in my house.?

  14. DeterK01 Avatar

    Bring it ON!!!! I’d …
    Bring it ON!!!! I’d love a new floor. The one we have must? be 40+ years old and has seen it’s last days. Now for the bot-war, I’ve got that covered too! You do the floor and the kids from various FIRST Robotics teams here in Michigan will do the rest. My son is his team’s captain and I know at least 50 more who would participate. So, come on over and lay that new floor down!

  15. RFSmediaproductions Avatar

    Now use a spinner? …
    Now use a spinner? that isn’t armed with high heels.

  16. PinkPantsMan Avatar

    But I want …
    But I want fighting? robots! No deal.

  17. SummertimeNYC Avatar

    What a funny? video …
    What a funny? video and contest!

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