DiscoRobo, The Dancing Robot from Tosy at Toy Fair 2012

http://www.DadDoes.Com Here is a quick look at DiscoRobo, the dancing disco robot from Tosy. Disco Robo will move to whatever music you have playing and also has lively emotions. Visit http://www.DadDoes.Com for more coverage of all the toys from Toy Fair 2012

Duration : 0:1:24





4 responses to “DiscoRobo, The Dancing Robot from Tosy at Toy Fair 2012”

  1. AdamRocksAtLife Avatar

    I want to see it …
    I want to see it dance to some? crazy techno. Haha, I’ll probably end up getting one whenever they come out.

  2. Lakerguy1000 Avatar


  3. DadDoesBlog Avatar

    Thanks as always …
    Thanks as always for your comments. At? this point, they don’t have pricing. It is set to come out in Fall 2012. Good question on colors, I will have to ask them. Thanks.

  4. Lakerguy1000 Avatar

    That is cool. I …
    That is cool. I want one of those. How much is it? And? does it come in different colors?

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