How much does a robot kit cost?

For integration with a laptop.

There is really no way to answer that. There are toy ones that will intigrate to do very simple things, and very fancy ones that do complicated things. The price range is between $75.00 to $100,000. Even more. We would need a LOT of info to make even a small suggestion.
Like, what type of operating system, what you want the robot to do, etc. You’ll have to research it online.
Good Hunting





2 responses to “How much does a robot kit cost?”

  1. Tinacious Tee Avatar
    Tinacious Tee

    There is really no way to answer that. There are toy ones that will intigrate to do very simple things, and very fancy ones that do complicated things. The price range is between $75.00 to $100,000. Even more. We would need a LOT of info to make even a small suggestion.
    Like, what type of operating system, what you want the robot to do, etc. You’ll have to research it online.
    Good Hunting
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  2. Nick Avatar

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