Tested In-Depth: Getting Started with Arduino

Read our practical starter guide to the most popular Arduino kits here: http://www.tested.com/tech/robots/456466-know-your-arduino-guide-most-common-boards/

Will and Norm sit down to chat about Arduino microcontrollers and give an overview about how they work, what you can do with them, and how the varying models differ from each other. No scary programming involved!

Duration : 0:30:37






25 responses to “Tested In-Depth: Getting Started with Arduino”

  1. Murray Pearson Avatar
    Murray Pearson

    Those? are cutting …
    Those? are cutting mats, often used by artists. Try an art or drafting store.

  2. kodabrome Avatar

    Object? orientation …
    Object? orientation is just a paradigm: you can implement it in whatever language you want. There are object-oriented implementations for C, and they’re actually quite straightforward to use; except there’s no syntactic sugar like, say, C++. Trivia: early C++ compilers emitted C rather than machine code.

    Also, the official language used by Arduino is actually C++ in disguise. You’re free to use classes, templates & other stuff; although, for most of the time, there’s really no need to use them.

  3. Peter Steiner Avatar
    Peter Steiner

    It looks? like a …
    It looks? like a simple self-healing cutting mat. They come in many different sizes. Search something like “Alvin Professional Cutting Mat”

  4. cH33zewarri0r Avatar

    Also scrap booking …
    Also scrap booking cutting? mats.

  5. Lawrence Horton Avatar
    Lawrence Horton

    Its a cutting …
    Its a cutting surface and? you can pick one up at amazon

  6. Konstantinos Yassemis Avatar
    Konstantinos Yassemis

    You said their …
    You said their name.eBay.?

  7. Gabe Escobar Avatar
    Gabe Escobar

    Sounds like an …
    Sounds like an Arduino uno is essentially a small plc.?

  8. Gustave Michel Avatar
    Gustave Michel

    Arduino’s are 8-bit …
    Arduino’s are 8-bit AVRs, not 32-bit? ARM, except for the Due. None of them are x86.

  9. Keduce22 Avatar

    Arduino is not …
    Arduino is not truly ANSI C. It is? a C derivative native to Arduino.

  10. Keduce22 Avatar

    For a first year …
    For a first year electrical engineering project my group? built a fully functioning elevator prototype. With programming knowledge and a proper tutorial in a matter of minutes you could get an led to work and perhaps a small dc motor or buzzer.

  11. mattelseinator Avatar

    They aren’t ARM, …
    They aren’t ARM, except the? Due. The rest are AVRs!

  12. MonkeyKong Avatar

    PIC ftw?
    PIC ftw?

  13. Catalin Epuras Avatar
    Catalin Epuras

    Yes you can. …

    Yes you can. You can start doing simple programs (led, buzzers, simple? sensors) in a few hours. (the videos in my channel are the result of a afternoon). Before I started, I had college knowledge of programming … no electronics.

  14. Zack A Avatar
    Zack A

    matrix display? are …
    matrix display? are they not 7 segment displays??

  15. yakow93 Avatar

    Could someone who …
    Could someone who has a decent programming knowledge(I know c, c++, and java) but really electronics knowledge (I know theory, but can’t apply it) learn how to make stuff like? what Will is doing? I have been interested, for a while, in making software in which the user interacts with the outside world.

  16. Fabrizio Pigati Avatar
    Fabrizio Pigati

    Thats a cutting mat …
    Thats a cutting mat. You can get it in any store that sells? architecture related stuff.

  17. gsmcvideos Avatar

    im pretty sure its …
    im pretty sure its an olfa cutting? mat. i have one.

  18. intriq8 Avatar

    wait, not Pi, get a …
    wait, not Pi, get a beaglebone, theyre way better than Pi, and can? do anything that a Pi can and more. same price.

  19. intriq8 Avatar

    A Pi.
    Arduino too …

    A Pi.
    Arduino too weak, ROM players built for? linux.

  20. intriq8 Avatar

    Yes, so as you …
    Yes, so as you learned today, As I? said: ALL PINS ARE GPIO.

  21. Carlos Santiago Avatar
    Carlos Santiago

    Arduino Analog pins …
    Arduino Analog pins can only be used as Digital outputs not Analog outputs. The Atmega328 chip spec shows that the only analog support in the chip is the analog to digital converter (ADC). To support analog output, the Atmega328 would require a digital to analog converter(DAC). The only Arduino board? with Digital to Analog (DAC) converters is the Due.

  22. Carlos Santiago Avatar
    Carlos Santiago

    To be clear, On the …
    To be clear, On the Arduino, the Analog Pins are only capable of being analog inputs. However, if you choose to use the Analog pins as Digital pins, then they can be used as inputs and outputs.

    If you listen to your video at 4:40, You? state “You can usually configure each analog pin and each digital pin as either an input or output as you wish”.

  23. Jeremy Noonan Avatar
    Jeremy Noonan

    It’s actually a …
    It’s actually a cutting mat for quilting,? my wife has one. Look up this on Amazon “Olfa Gridded Cutting Mat”

  24. intriq8 Avatar

    well not really the …
    well not really the same as one is a brand and the other is a? product., but OK.
    Semantically, An ARM processor IS an Atmel processor, if they made it.
    So we’ll assume you meant that it is one of the non-ARM atmel processors, and not suggesting that the the terms were mutually exclusive.

  25. intriq8 Avatar

    totally good advice …
    totally good advice. even better, the pro mini you speak of is now only $3.87, and the USB-TTL? dongle is $1.75. all shipped.

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