How to Make a Robot

Check out my new website full of heaps of Arduino and Robotics Tutorials:
In this video I answer the question of How to Make a Robot.
Lately I have had a lot of questions asked along the lines of “How should I get started in making robots?” I made this video to hopefully answer that question. This video is not a step by step instructional of making one, but rather it explains the processes and how I go about doing it.

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Duration : 0:27:42






25 responses to “How to Make a Robot”

  1. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    I will try to be on …
    I will try to be on at least once a week on? Fridays, around 12pm GMT+9:30

  2. Muhammad Amirul Avatar
    Muhammad Amirul

    I? saw a G+ Hangout …
    I? saw a G+ Hangout on your website. When you will usually be online? It would be realy cool to be able to talk to you live. I can get various advice from you. 🙂

  3. Leo Velte Avatar
    Leo Velte

    i think i? have a …
    i think i? have a idea and its a throwbot

  4. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    Go to Duino- …
    Go to Duino-Robotics (link? in description) and check out the robot build tutorials. These are the most basic types of bots and walk you through the whole process.

  5. Leo Velte Avatar
    Leo Velte

    i see then you …
    i see then you have? any good ideas/easy ideas ?

  6. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    Would it be …
    Would it be possible? Yes. Would it be easy? No, by no means.? That is something that not even government funded state of the art robotics division could do. If you want to get started in robotics build a ‘start here’ obstacle avoider. This will give you a gauge to the difficulty associated to the actions you describe you want your robot to do.

  7. Leo Velte Avatar
    Leo Velte

    im 13 years old and …
    im 13 years old and i want to make my robot as smooth? as possible my moms freind builds cpus from scratch would it be possible to bulid a robot to clean and oganize my room so the question im asking is how big should the robot be and would it be possible to actually design it to pick up stuff off the floor and climb up to the wall of my desk and actually rearrange my bookshelf

    thanks this vid is rally helpful

  8. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    Look up ‘Sumo bots’ …
    Look up ‘Sumo bots’. They are great fun for beginners and are easy? to program.

  9. sphinixLike Avatar

    Hey I have a …
    Hey I have a Question how can i make a small fighting robot am a beginner but me and my friend have an idea that need a small fighting? robot

  10. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    Head over to the …
    Head over to the website linked in the description for full build tutorials on how to make different? robots.

  11. Alyssa Perez Avatar
    Alyssa Perez

    How do u build one? …
    How do u build one? anyone help

  12. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    Not at all. There …
    Not at all. There are a whole type? of robots called B.E.A.M bots that require no programming and work on basic electronic components alone.

  13. surinder mathrani Avatar
    surinder mathrani

    Hey, i? had i query …
    Hey, i? had i query as to if it is necessary to know programming for making a robot?

  14. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    Awesome! Head over …
    Awesome! Head over to Duino-Robotics and under the ‘learn’ tab go to ‘robot fundamentals’ then? check out ‘make a robot’. It is exactly what you are asking for.

  15. WtFGame3play Avatar

    Hello im 15 yrs old …
    Hello im 15 yrs old and i want to make my own robot.At school i study c++i would like to know what a “robot brain” should? look like or at least give me a name for a “robot brain” that can be programed in c++.I really want to make at least a autonomus robot.If you can reply me or send me a pm would be great add me .I will send you a pm with my ids of course if you want to help me.Thanks in advance.Sorry if i misspelled.

  16. Ghufran Ahmed Avatar
    Ghufran Ahmed

    How to Make? a Robot
    How to Make? a Robot

  17. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards


  18. zach sofai Avatar
    zach sofai

    what country are …
    what country are you? in

  19. Tucker Johnston Avatar
    Tucker Johnston

    hey man whats up! i …
    hey man whats up! i was just searching the internet for some time now trying to find a robot to build for a “beginner” it would be awesome if u could email me some pointers on how to start off on about a kneed size robot unless that is to? difficult for a beginner. but yeah please please please help me out! email me at thanks!!!!

  20. quantomic1106 Avatar

    Yes the arduino …
    Yes the arduino contains an MCU. However, that doesn’t make an arduino an MCU. Much like a car has an engine, doesn’t make a car an engine. I coded? arduino and MCU and they are a lot different. Building something from MCU or same IC is a “chip and solder level” type of work – which is what electronics design is about! I guess the tittle should’ve been a little “lighter”, like “How to make a robot WITH arduino”. Well, I guess I’m just getting a little fussy about it – sorry. : )

  21. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    Title is by no …
    Title is by no means misleading. I tell you how I go about making robots, I just so happen to use Arduino to make robots. The Arduino board has an MCU on it, so I’m not sure? what your fuss is there. Make your own Arduino board if you want to.

  22. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    whatnottobe! :D?
    whatnottobe! :D?

  23. quantomic1106 Avatar

    Damn, arduino again …
    Damn, arduino again! I was hoping to see real electronics design; at least with MCUs. The tittle is? misleading.

  24. Jaidyn Edwards Avatar
    Jaidyn Edwards

    Great? ambitions! …
    Great? ambitions! Good luck! 😀

  25. Mad treez Avatar
    Mad treez

    Im gonna? build a …
    Im gonna? build a rc flying droid

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