Category: arduino
m0xpd's 'Shack Nasties': Arduino Due and the DDS
The SDR receiver is now running completely on the Arduino DUE. … the Due, whilst the VFO and user interface were managed on an Arduino Mega.
Kevin and Kunal's Arduino Mini Project | Maker Commons
The mini arduino project was definitely something Kunal and I enjoyed. With the knowledge Dawn had given us in class about arduino and coding we were able …
How to build an Arduino robot – installing breadboard, Arduino, motor driver and battery pack
Video #2 in the Affordabot build series. Find out more at In this video I basically just use Gorilla Glue to glue squares of foam to the TI Launchpad box. I then glue a mini-breadboard containing an Arduino Nano and a Toshiba TB6612FNG motor driver (on carrier PCB). I also glue down a 4…
ARDUINO TUTORIAL 04: Relays (Control 120V – 12V Devices )
– – – – – – – NEW VIDEO EVERY MONDAY.- – – – – – – Arduino Tutorial In this exciting episode we continue to explore the possibilities of the Arduino Prototyping Platform. This episode features an in depth tutorial on how to incorporate Relys into your arduino project. By the end of this…
Curso Arduino Advanced – Aula 9 (Chave Óptica)
Módulo avançado do Curso Arduino. Agora é meter a mão na massa mesmo! Vamos aprender nessa Aula 9 sobre a utilização da chave óptica. Veremos um exemplo de medição de velocidade com um cartão dentado. Para adquirir componentes utilizados nessa aula, visite a Loja do Curso Arduino em — Para discutir sobre os assuntos…