Month: October 2011
Vex BattleBot
A battlebot I made out of Vex for an English project (yes, english). Duration : 0:0:54
Arduino line following robot?
could anybody make a complete step by step instructable on a arduino controlled line following robot.Recent Instructables
Battlebots S3:- Minion vs Ogre
Battlebots season 3 SuperHeavyweight match Duration : 0:5:15
can you mount a gun on a battlebot?
I was watching battlebots and it seems like if you mounted an ak47 on a bot, it would win the whole thing. Is that legal? I haven’t looked up the official rules of the new version, but at least a couple of years ago: Projectile weapons are allowed, but the projectile must be tethered so…
How Arduino got its start: a behind the scenes revelation — Engadget
Plenty of tales have cropped up through the years focusing on the roots of Arduino — a tiny circuit board that holds a special place.Engadget