Humanoid Automonous Police Robot

The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) plans to have fully humanoid robots that think, act, react, learn, make decisions all on their own, and live amongst us all, by the year 2025 or even sooner. We are talking only 16? years or less. Robotics is alot more important to the New World Order Agenda than a lot of people may think. The NWO knows that almost none of the police or military are actually going to turn on the citizens of their own country and enforce martial law and a police state. This is why (IMO) that robots are a crucial factor to the success of the NWO. intelligent humanoid robots are exactly what the NWO needs in order to police and enslave everyone.

Duration : 0:1:21





13 responses to “Humanoid Automonous Police Robot”

  1. ShannCole888 Avatar

    There are Robotic …
    There are Robotic Helicopters,that can teach themselves how to fly…That is advanced Robotic technology, Cyborge Insects,etc….The f-22 Rator was developed in the 70’s,as I understand it, no lie..but some people do believe it just came out…the effect of keeping the public in the dark works pretty well with some,and we sound silly…Go figure…

  2. 2012isnear Avatar

    that is exactly the …
    that is exactly the point i have been trying to tell people. there are some people who actually believe that the technology the public knows about is the most advanced and top of the line technology there is. but that is completely wrong and it is very safe to say that some of the most highly top secret research facilities have technology that is 50-100 years ahead of the most high-tech technology the public knows about.

  3. ShannCole888 Avatar

    If they can think …
    If they can think it up, then they probably can build it…Common sense suggests, with the technology that is publicly available, it is a reality

  4. puck1310 Avatar

    everyone who says …
    everyone who says that its a fake is a ing idiot. of course its not real..

    the line “make decisions all on their own” creeps me out

  5. lopinglobo Avatar

    Wow, no more …
    Wow, no more soldiers — not the kind that bleed and feel and think and know right from wrong. Not human, not in the NWO.

    I read the info box and all the comments, and I plan to check out our channel. I’m sure I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know about how they’re now artifically manufacturing blood for use on the front lines in Iraq. Very strange times we live in indeed!

  6. 2012isnear Avatar

    congratz, you …
    congratz, you managed to point out the obvious…

  7. jkwon85 Avatar


  8. BishopKnowsBest Avatar

    the design of these …
    the design of these robo-cops remind me of a character from an old manga/anime series called Apple seed. (the characters just happen to be cybornetic police officers too)

  9. 2012isnear Avatar

    the robot itself is …
    the robot itself is real, but the action it does was special effects done by CGI. they do plan to have this robot actually perform what is seen in this video for real in the not so far future (2015 – 2025)

  10. Pandaren123 Avatar

    0.38 obviously not …
    0.38 obviously not real

  11. 2012isnear Avatar

    it is not real yet, …
    it is not real yet, but in a few years it will be. The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) plans to replace the entire human military with humanoid autonomous robots no later than 2015. and then by the year 2025 they plan to have these same robots replace the police force. they also want them to be affordable by all people to have living with them in their homes and in the streets, much like in the movie “I- Robot”.

  12. durge666 Avatar

    Because it isn’t. …
    Because it isn’t. It’s a short film by Neil Blomkamp to showcase a certain CGI studio.

  13. 4daLO88 Avatar

    this doesnt look …
    this doesnt look real

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