Find your dreamhouse together with your friends!
This video shows the use of the Jaapy url-replacement robot. If you search properties on and paste links to interesting properties from the browsers addressbar in a blip they will be replaced with a nice gadget showing the details of that property.
We will be adding more functionality to this robot so the Google Wave platform can be used to search properties together interactively.
The use is very simple:
– Just add to your contacts.
– Create a new wave and invite your friends to it
– Drag Jaapy from you contacts to the participants of the wave
– Paste links of properties from in blips and submit (using the “Done” button)
– Your friends can react on your found houses by adding blips
For developers: we are looking for Google Wave developers who want to co-develop this open source widget. If you are interested, please contact Jacco@JAAP.NL. The gadget/robot is added to the Google Wave Sample Gallery All sources and documentation can be found there.
A public wave about the application is here,!w%252B6xuxeaZqO
Duration : 0:4:12
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