Building Robots?

I really want to get into building robots but i need help. I cant seem to find a good beginners kit. I’d like to make mobile robots. Very much like the one’s on the old tvshow with the fighting robots, except w/o weapons. does anybody know where i can find where i want, it doesn’t matter how large they are…thanks.

For the beginner nothing can beat the Lego Mindstorms NXT

You can build any robot you can imagine with this kit.

Because the "Lego" brand you should not think this is a toy for kids. Lego Mindstorms NTX is a "state of the art" piece of engineering but still easy to use.

Lego Mindstorms has thousands of users around the world so you will find a lot of information and projects about it in the Internet. Also you can find a lot of books about it.

Check the following site:






2 responses to “Building Robots?”

  1. beveridgio Avatar

    Go to

    They have a bunch of starter robot kits. I just finished building 2 sumo-bots so now have 2 robots wrestling on my coffee table. They are really good kits to learn more about robotics and programming robots.
    References :

  2. gacho Avatar

    For the beginner nothing can beat the Lego Mindstorms NXT

    You can build any robot you can imagine with this kit.

    Because the "Lego" brand you should not think this is a toy for kids. Lego Mindstorms NTX is a "state of the art" piece of engineering but still easy to use.

    Lego Mindstorms has thousands of users around the world so you will find a lot of information and projects about it in the Internet. Also you can find a lot of books about it.

    Check the following site:
    References :

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