Robotic support brings freedom to paraplegics – Tek RMD

Tek RMD – Robotic Mobilization Device

Tek RMD, provides the opportunity of movement for people with paraplegia by enabling them to independently stand up in a completely upright position with correct posture, facilitating their movement and comfortable completion of their daily tasks indoors, such as in the home, office and shopping mall. Tek RMD is not an alternative to wheelchairs, it is a totally new concept, a new platform.

Duration : 0:9:26





24 responses to “Robotic support brings freedom to paraplegics – Tek RMD”

  1. heeden02 Avatar

    i wish if the …
    i wish if the governments and the scientists of the world focus in research like this to ameliorate the life of the millions of people and not? in the industry of arms to kill the millions

  2. heeden02 Avatar

    i think its …
    i think its prototype but very good as start? and idea , they can ameliorate it with more resource and ideas i think

  3. titaniumtori Avatar

    I? love this
    I? love this

  4. cohenjp Avatar

    I see some problems …
    I see some problems.
    1.Since only your upper body is free , it’s quite dangerous if you fall.
    2.Wheels are very small and not flexible so that the place you can go is very limited.(must be very flat on the surface)
    3.It would? be very costly. (purchase and maintenance)

  5. laatschbatch Avatar

    I was wondering ( …
    I was wondering (and would probably know if I read the comments…) if there was a model for children? And if there is, how young do they go.? This would be amazing for my little boy. Congrats on the design and concept of this. This is a technological advance much needed!

  6. lcspies Avatar

    I sent? you my …
    I sent? you my email i hope you got it…actually I posted it on your comments page

  7. JHogan8327 Avatar

    I can and? I did
    I can and? I did

  8. YTDSoM Avatar

    This is actually …
    This is actually incredible!? This can really give people the chance to overcome the lack of their legs.

    But I’m afraid this device won’t be any cheaper.

  9. hakan ?ahin Avatar
    hakan ?ahin

    it’s now? 27.000 …
    it’s now? 27.000 turkish around 11-12 euros..

  10. Spinnakerrr Avatar

    What kind? of …
    What kind? of trolls would dislike this video???

  11. GreenerNautilus Avatar

    The percentage you …
    The percentage you provided is misleading. The majority of Turkish people don’t follow classical muslim lifestyle (a.k.a. Sharia). They do consume alcoholic bewerages, women don’t cover their bodies from toe to head with a black blanket and people are allowed flirt,kiss,hold hands in public etc… Plus Turkey’s demographics has nothing to do? it. This invention wasn’t made possible thanks to miraculous information in the Quran, but it was possible thanks to secular minds.

  12. ecchibanzaii Avatar

    The wheelbase just …
    The wheelbase just has to be slightly wider and with bigger wheels.
    I? love the idea.

  13. Thingamajigs Avatar

    This is really, …
    This is really, really good.

    Now they need to work on the devices ground clearance, which is going to pose a problem for street use (Curbs, uneven or? disturbed paving, etc)

  14. AJLovewins Avatar



  15. MechaBlazeEagle Avatar

    I’m what? Care? to …
    I’m what? Care? to elaborate?

  16. Maples01 Avatar

    Ah, another …
    Ah, another electronic device to aid in the handicap’s dependence on batteries, they aren’t explaining the cost of the loss of muscles either, the one? actual work one does during the day. Sorry, I don’t hate my ultra-lite enough to burden myself with the need for cords, not forgetting the transportation issues with it. I’d love the ability to stand, it aids in circulation, but this is costly for that one benefit, you still need to move manually for the muscle actions! I’m T5-6 complete at T4

  17. Wejer3 Avatar

    I don’t think a …
    I don’t think a wheel-chair would? perform any better in stairs either…

  18. evkin117 Avatar

    what about? stairs
    what about? stairs

  19. bunnyhallow Avatar

    this video? made me …
    this video? made me hungry

  20. smacktalking Avatar

    This better not be …
    This better not be available to fat people who are too lazy? to walk

  21. MatsEP Avatar

    It’s a line from …
    It’s a line from Seinfeld. I would usually find it? to be in bad taste, but that show is excused.

  22. MechaBlazeEagle Avatar

    Yes, It’s …
    Yes, It’s definitely amazing! As with all tech it’ll be improved, refined & enhanced over time to become even? more helpful.

  23. contessa1111 Avatar

    obviously your not? …
    obviously your not? handicap because i would give anything to get out of a wheelchair you just think this looks like a toy right

  24. AtlantaGAgirl8202 Avatar

    I was quite …
    I was quite impressed with seeing something like this. I know of a few people in my life who rely on wheelchairs to get around. Just to see this kind of product becoming available soon to the U. S. is amazing! Hopefully there will be some improvements? to this to help spinal cord injury patients who are unable to use both arms. The possibilities are endless with today’s technology.

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