iPhone controlled garage door opener using Arduino

A pieced together hack that allows for a PHP page with a button to trigger a relay on an Arduino board that acts as a button press for the garage door opener. All the code was pretty much hacked together, and has a lot of polishing to do on all parts, but as a proof of concept, it’s a start.
Uses: XAMPPlite, Arduino Duemilanove
Refrences: http://amazingknife.com/tag/arduino (RuthJ180 video:http://is.gd/4dR13)

Duration : 0:4:38





25 responses to “iPhone controlled garage door opener using Arduino”

  1. IceCubeVideos Avatar

    that’s great, why …
    that’s great, why do you? think it didn’t work on the first tap at 3:00?

  2. SpiledMilk Avatar

    Oh, its easy dude, …
    Oh, its easy dude, If you want to link the time of 3 : 3 6, than just type it like that, with no spaces.? Try it, and tell me if you have any problems. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. MikeKovacic Avatar

    How? do you link to …
    How? do you link to a certain time in a video?

  4. contrist0 Avatar

    really old post I …
    really old post I see, but with most arduino projects you need to see the possibilities, not the current application. I stumbled upon this because a family member wants his drivers (owns a business) to be able to get into the factory garage after hours, without granting access to the rest of the factory as well as maintaining a log of who is? going in and out. A simple door remote cannot do this ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. ikkentim Avatar

    It is easy to find …
    It is easy to find one’s house IP, only thing left to do is adding the right port, that is ease. A piece of securety is needed here ๐Ÿ˜› But verry nice. It is easy, though nice, I would like my whole house to be like? this ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. tanakahiroakijp Avatar


  7. Darrengb Avatar

    Keep up the great …
    Keep up the great job, with your inhouse? automation
    It has huge potential

  8. mrgeraldbrent Avatar

    Two words: packet? …
    Two words: packet? capturing

  9. crazyangelo123 Avatar

    why waste your time …
    why waste your time when you can just get? your remote and open your garage door

  10. SpiledMilk Avatar

    At 3:36 THAT SPIDER …

  11. madpuri Avatar

    If you’re planning …
    If you’re planning to use the laptop all the time you can probably use a USB to Parralel port cable and get 10-12 GPIO outputs of it. in that case you can completely take out arduino? from the circuit. it just complicates the system. but if you’re planning to take out the laptop then what youre doing is great.

  12. thenetimp Avatar

    You’ve either …
    You’ve either already figured it out (2 years later) or someone? has already mentioned it but why not cat 5/6 from the basement to the garrage, keeping the audrino board near the server so you don’t have to run USB.

  13. hashcr Avatar

    @Benzfever @ …
    @Benzfever @6476Mike? the only answer for this, please let me paraphrase TBBT ….

  14. TheFatherOfFatty Avatar

    I think it’s on a …
    I think it’s on a private switch, so it’s not possiable to? open anywhere in the world, just in the range of the router

  15. johnnyman671 Avatar

    Download Minecraft. …
    Download Minecraft.

    Full Updatable? version here:? getminecraftnow?tk

    It’s free!

  16. chikotube Avatar

    WHY is there not …
    WHY is there not yet a COMPLETED app and finished kit for this? I just want to buy a home automation kit, and hook it? up to my home network, and simply get alerts while i’m in the Caymans that my garage door is open and then check the status and close it if i need to. WHY

  17. SoundsFantastic Avatar

    How did you keep …
    How did you keep the? arduino from reseting from serial communications?

  18. geoffmerck Avatar

    actual scenarios ( …
    actual scenarios (of many more): My sister needed to borrow a carpet cleaner. That morning, before leaving for work, I left it in the garage. Later she? went to the house and called me, I flipped over to the app and opened the door. (take that, Verizon).
    2) our truck has the opener in the overhead console, but we had a rental while it was in the shop. Need I say more.
    3) Went on vacation, but had a friend check mail/papers. Gave him guest access on his phone. No need for keys.

  19. geoffmerck Avatar

    Actually, I don’t …
    Actually, I don’t even keep a car in the garage typically, it’s really? the main point of entry for the house that we use. Funny, I just don’t watch videos that I don’t like, and I sure don’t waste my time writing comments for them. Who’s wasting what here?

  20. geoffmerck Avatar

    In the most recent …
    In the most recent iteration, which I’ll? do a new updated video on soon, I have employed a simple php password authentication page. that, combined with obscurity, is what keeps me feeling better. The wife lost her phone (actually lost 2) with the link. Both times we were worried about the app, but just changing the path/page rendered the old link useless.

  21. geoffmerck Avatar

    heh, yeah. that? …
    heh, yeah. that? lived there for about a year, but stil scared the Mother-in-law weekly ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Cybercreeps Avatar

    3:38 WTF! You have …
    3:38 WTF! You have a big spider? on your garage!

  23. raneve23 Avatar

    That’s pimp?
    That’s pimp?

  24. DiederikYBaan Avatar

    Nice stuff, I’d …
    Nice stuff, I’d done a similar thing with a door lock. Though? it was running quite different. My biggest issue was safety, because it was safe on a iphone, but we could pretty easilly bypass the entrance with a laptop. What did you do for security?

  25. CommanderVeritas Avatar

    He’s not wasting …
    He’s not wasting his life, he’s using his knowledge and applying it to a concept, and? getting in return a working project. You’re the one hating on other’s accomplishments…

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