Swarmanoid, the movie

Swarmanoid is a heterogeneous robot swarm in which different groups of robots have different capabilities: some robots are specialized in manipulating objects and climbing, some in moving on the ground and transporting objects, and some in flying and observing the environment from above. This video presents the Swarmanoid project, a 4 year research project coordinated by Marco Dorigo and funded by the Commission of the European Union.

This video won the Best Video Award at the AAAI-11 AI Video Competition.

More information at: http://www.swarmanoid.org/

Duration : 0:5:25





23 responses to “Swarmanoid, the movie”

  1. DaDoctorJ Avatar

    Yeah, they will? …
    Yeah, they will? dominate till the battery charge holds.

  2. PuttingOnTheFoil Avatar

    I for one welcome …
    I for one welcome our? robotic overlords.

  3. yossarianlives78 Avatar

    Welp, we’re fucked. …
    Welp, we’re fucked. It’s? been nice knowing y’all.

  4. RedZeshinX Avatar

    Haha! XD The …
    Haha! XD The retrieved book had characters from Dragonball emblazoned on it? (Giran and Lunch). No surprise that a robot swarm would seek out Japanese comics.

    Amazing work, bravo!

  5. bmwill1983 Avatar

    We’re boned.?
    We’re boned.?

  6. Asmodeious Avatar

    It took organic …
    It took organic life billions? of years to develop a nucleus. It’s taken robots a few decades to be able to find and grab a book off a shelf. Don’t underestimate our technology, because in a few years it’ll become the new dominant life on earth.

  7. ArsenEldarov Avatar

    And that’s all for …
    And that’s all for the sake of a book?? you are very sick in the head, it is better to have invented? the terminator!

  8. RedStarTrolling Avatar

    Damn, that? was fast
    Damn, that? was fast

  9. adenosintp Avatar

    nice video but it? …
    nice video but it? is far far away from anything which can be called real world application. it is just a toy world. and these robots have a lot of in build bias to solve the task. furthermore the environment has a lot of bias for the robots to solve the task.

  10. caboseisstupid Avatar

    You deploy? the …
    You deploy? the eyebots once, they communicate once. The groundbots deploy and take over navigation. If you were only running one composite foot/hand bot for a minute, that might work. If you need 40 composite bots to do 40 repeated tasks, it would seem a design limitation to put a battery large enough to communicate that much on an eye bot.

  11. poopskinTheLiar Avatar

    So, when? can i buy …
    So, when? can i buy some, and how much would they cost?

  12. misterpers0n Avatar

    I? am thoroughly …
    I? am thoroughly terrified.

  13. FinDeluxe Avatar

    It’s amazing, but …
    It’s amazing, but why do you need so many legbots, and theese flying things? Wouldn’t 1 of each be enough with? some radio/bluetooth etc. connection?

    They just have to make it quicker :D!


  14. bongbibo Avatar

    2. How the HandBot …
    2. How the HandBot could see and manipulate accurately the book? This action requires a combination of image processing ability of HandBot, 3D localization ability of EyeBot and continuous coordination between HandBot and EyeBot.

    3. The way HandBot? attached to the ceiling is very funny. So the HandBot can’t climb at all without? that supporting cable, can it?? If so, I really doubt about the usefulness of this HandBot in other normal tasks.

  15. bongbibo Avatar

    The video looks …
    The video looks quite amazing to whom who don’t know robotics. But many questions can be raised regarding the truthfulness as well usefulness of this video:
    1. Computer Vision (CV) problem: how the last EyeBot can recognize the book? If it could find the book using modern image processing algorithms, the EyeBots could have easily mapped the environment and guided the ground bots to the target without needs of other beacon (red) LegBots along the corridor.
    2. to be continued?

  16. MrAntimonty Avatar

    fits perfectly? ๐Ÿ˜€
    fits perfectly? ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. vu diep Avatar
    vu diep

    s?? ph? !
    s?? ph? !

  18. Hobbiiinz Avatar

    User: nandi1988 has …
    User: nandi1988 has copy your film ๐Ÿ™
    Please report? this as violation (copy of your film)

  19. nihonam Avatar

    reminds me of …
    reminds me of Bruce? Sterling’s ‘Taklamakan’

  20. OGoregen Avatar

    That? is really …
    That? is really amazing!

  21. suteerth12 Avatar

    My name is? Bond …
    My name is? Bond Robo Bond

  22. humanhades Avatar

    well, you should …
    well, you should create more faster and smaller robots, to? serve ME, and find my keys.

  23. noixioninox Avatar

    Dragonball!? ๐Ÿ˜€
    Dragonball!? ๐Ÿ˜€

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