Robotic wheelchair from Chiba Tech turns wheels into legs and climbs over steps #DigInfo

Robotic wheelchair from Chiba Tech turns wheels into legs and climbs over steps

DigInfo TV –

28/9/2012 H.C.R.2012

Chiba Institute of Technology
RT-Mover P-type

Duration : 0:2:41






24 responses to “Robotic wheelchair from Chiba Tech turns wheels into legs and climbs over steps #DigInfo”

  1. lancedna Avatar

    BRAVO! love it? how …
    BRAVO! love it? how they combine tech to improve the lives of the disabled. BRAVO!

  2. Keith Chan Avatar
    Keith Chan

    but the normal …
    but the normal stairs? are longer and have smaller flat surface.

  3. wow85 Avatar

    This looks awesome, …
    This looks awesome, but what happens if a wheel breaks while your out shopping. I mean if a wheel breaks while your out, the wheel chair has just become handicapped because how could it? operate as a 3-wheeler than.

  4. m0a0post Avatar

    The iBOT wheelchair …
    The iBOT wheelchair can climb staircases curbs etc(check the wiki, guess you cant post links here). ? It is a shame that it was discontinued.

  5. m0a0post Avatar

    Hmm this doesnt …
    Hmm this doesnt look new:
    The? iBOT is a powered wheelchair developed by Dean Kamen.

  6. Lyke Basilio Avatar
    Lyke Basilio

    Okay gentlemen, …
    Okay gentlemen, add? two .50 cal in both sides and we’re good to go.

  7. ArturoDezaPeru Avatar

    Bieber fans? …
    Bieber fans? …

  8. midstarify Avatar

    wow this looks? …
    wow this looks? awesome !

  9. Marcelo de Andrade Avatar
    Marcelo de Andrade

    Not in? America, in …
    Not in? America, in USA!

  10. gthreesix Avatar

    That way? more …
    That way? more people can enjoy the technology after the war.

  11. epualc Avatar

    those are not? like …
    those are not? like comun stairs !

  12. Bantal700 Avatar

    fuckyeah,? now i …
    fuckyeah,? now i can get my own AT-AT

  13. Jesse Riley Avatar
    Jesse Riley

    So I’m playing this …
    So I’m playing this game called Awesomenauts. I can’t help but? imagine this character named “Derpl” when I see this.

  14. Dave Gallant Avatar
    Dave Gallant

    2 dislikes?? Why?
    2 dislikes?? Why?

  15. pinoypride800 Avatar

    We dont need wheel …
    We dont need wheel chairs, we will ride? on Tachikoma from Ghost in the sell.

  16. mcsdaver Avatar

    Super cool.

    Super cool.

  17. Julián Santa Ana Avatar
    Julián Santa Ana

    so everywhere there …
    so everywhere there is a different route to get to a place without using stairs? dont? think so.

  18. imbasit995 Avatar

    great invention.. …
    great invention.. just hops its affordable to the people who need it?

  19. smileinglasgow Avatar

    when i saw a wheel …
    when i saw a wheel chair that could climb stairs i thought it was something? that could walk up a stair case not just single steps

  20. MrDrasLeona Avatar

    this is a? great …
    this is a? great guy with a clear purpose. i love it. the concept is awesome, need to work out the kinks and knacks of being able to store it and bring it in a car.

  21. MrJekyllDrHyde1 Avatar

    ..or for moving …
    ..or for moving fat? people 🙂

  22. Aleksandr Panin Avatar
    Aleksandr Panin

    Tachikoma prototype …
    Tachikoma prototype? :D?

  23. BobCat981 Avatar

    and thumbs down? if …
    and thumbs down? if you didn’t?

  24. BobCat981 Avatar

    I have always …
    I have always admired Japan and Japanese people! So inventive… They are the ones who write our? future!

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