ERIC – Embedded Robotic Interactive Canine aka RoboDog

A video showcasing ERIC, the robot I made for my masters thesis. He took two years to make and is controlled my two mbed microcontrollers.He has a camera in his mouth that he uses to find the ball (his favourite toy!) and can be set to guard an object. He is controlled by verbal commands that can be spoken by anyone.

Duration : 0:3:26






13 responses to “ERIC – Embedded Robotic Interactive Canine aka RoboDog”

  1. jojo33650 Avatar

    C’est? génial
    C’est? génial

  2. violetv watson Avatar
    violetv watson

    his legs are? …
    his legs are? shaped the same as crutches

  3. Old School Retro Avatar
    Old School Retro

    this robot dog …
    this robot dog certainly looks far better than that live action CGI K-9 that flies from the? spin-off show from Doctor Who ! Im waiting to when this version not only is more stable with sensory feedback to run, but can pick up that ball in his mouth 😉 ERIC…FETCH ! *Bow rorr rorrer* LOooL

  4. VicentiuB Avatar

    Very nice invention …
    Very nice invention man !?

  5. DaftDude Avatar

    It’s Crockett’s …
    It’s Crockett’s Theme? from Miami Vice, written by Jan Hammer

  6. fbaillargeon1983 Avatar

    Am I nuts or have …
    Am I nuts or have I? heard this song on some Amiga intro somewhere?

  7. vicmart62 Avatar

    Hi, Thanks for the …
    Hi, Thanks for the comment. Yes I was playing it safe with the walking gait. I realise that the walking could be a bit more polished (and quicker) but the servos are a limiting factor (I need more powerful ones). Also it would be useful to lower the COG and built in some kind of sensory feedback as ERIC has no idea how stable he is at any moment in time!?

  8. vicmart62 Avatar

    I? used the NX …
    I? used the NX Unigraphics CAD package to model the robot

  9. foxdieuk Avatar

    Saw this on? HaD, …
    Saw this on? HaD, have to say this is excellent work from one person, you have a bright future ahead of you 🙂

    I realise you were building this on a tight budget, but perhaps v2 could include a third mbed with a 9DoF sensor? This would permit accurate measurement and processing of Erics movements, allowing movement speed and accuracy to be greatly increased.

    He’s (seemingly) playing it safe with balance vs motion, moving in a very inorganic manner. Maybe one day with a 9DoF he could run 😉

  10. asher666 Avatar

    Wow? that is so cool
    Wow? that is so cool

  11. RobotAppStore Avatar

    Awesome? work! Take …
    Awesome? work! Take it to Kickstarter today!

  12. psychotahtah Avatar

    Simply? awesome!
    Simply? awesome!

  13. ftwilliam Avatar

    Which CAD tool …

    Which CAD tool did you? use ?

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