Robot Stories, Armour, and… Why would anyone want to meet a Jaimie!?

OK, this place (Bantock Park) is near me… and I’ll be there March 10th, 1pm, 2012. I’ll be in the playground area, swinging on the monkey bars, of course, but there’s a restaurant that apparently has very tasty stuff where I can regale you with stories of robots and shovels. …or something. I’ll wear an Adventure Builders shirt just incase anyone doesn’t recognize my awesome hairdo. 😛

Yep! I’ll add more info here as people ask questions that I should have already answered. As far as I know, there’s plenty of parking, too. …and admission to the park is free.

….and I distincly recall someone saying they’d buy me a drink. 😛


Duration : 0:13:29






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