Robotics – How to Engineer a Dog

Robotics – How to Engineer a Dog

The Legged Robotics Team at ETH Zurich’s Autonomous Systems Lab is doing research to build fast, versatile, and efficient quadrupedal robots. This movie illustrates some of the work that was done in the past years. Inspired by nature, the team built different types of electrically driven robots that can do various maneuvers from slow and careful climbing to very robust dynamic trotting.

Further information can be found here

Robotics Microlectures are produced in cooperation with Switzerland’s NCCR Robotics ( and Robohub (

Source: Retrieved: 3/21/2013

Duration : 0:6:33






4 responses to “Robotics – How to Engineer a Dog”

  1. Mike Stratton Avatar
    Mike Stratton

    What are you …
    What are you talking? about?

  2. Roberto Viana Avatar
    Roberto Viana

    use? a bumpers …
    use? a bumpers associated to springs to solve the 4.38s problem. It will spent with less command lines.

  3. Mike Stratton Avatar
    Mike Stratton


  4. MultiNova100 Avatar

    cute. Bur why does? …
    cute. Bur why does? it move so slow? Thank you

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