SRW OGG Gallery

With a short anime shot for the of it.
Some of them are kinda dark though.

Duration : 0:4:7





3 responses to “SRW OGG Gallery”

  1. Nidher1994 Avatar

    Ok first?there is …
    Ok first?there is ANOTHER SRW ANIME,DOES THAT MEAN THAT THERE IS AXEL TOO.After that,*gulp*did soulgain really get a @#$% piercing and finally:Can someone plss give me the number to Sanger’s Cleaving service,there are a few holes in school that need to be cleaved

  2. HikariSword Avatar

    That is Alfimi, …
    That is Alfimi, from the SRW anime.

  3. coolvideo5 Avatar

    Wow nice video! and …
    Wow nice video! and very funny comments on the upper left corner! btw whats that scene on the last part of the video?..that one is look like Alfimi….hehe the video is cute! nice nice XD

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