Marx Big Loo Toy Commercial 1962 Moon Robot

This thing was $30 in 1962. That was most of a paycheck for many folks back then.

Duration : 0:1:0





6 responses to “Marx Big Loo Toy Commercial 1962 Moon Robot”

  1. Arieliondotcom Avatar

    I heard of a boy …
    I heard of a boy who slept at the top of dark stairs with no door. Big Loo kept him safe from monsters in the dark, from monster humans living in the house who came home drunk and violent, and even from pesky little sisters. I also heard that when the missiles from the chest were missing sharpened pencils worked just fine. 🙂 And to think they’re afraid to give kids anything “unsafe” these days. LOL.

  2. CanonKingsbury Avatar

    I had one. Big …
    I had one. Big freakin’ Loo, baby!! I had him standing in the corner of my bedroom clear up through High School…hung my bathrobe on him. There is no way he was thirty bucks!! Best to ever!! I’m fifty-one – born in 1957. So I woulda been all of six. GREAT memory!

  3. thesixtiesguy Avatar

    Got the price from …
    Got the price from the Sears catalog. $29.95

  4. Faireweatherfriend Avatar

    Are you sure about …
    Are you sure about the price? My recollection was $9.99. For $30 or $40 bucks you could buy the Marx Stutz Bearcat, an electric car kids could get in and drive.

  5. billyk5775 Avatar

    I got this toy for …
    I got this toy for christmas 1963. 2 flaws in this toy was that it was made of brittle plastic and the voice was so bad that you did not know what Loo was saying. I still had fun with this toy

  6. klimari Avatar

    This scared me as a …
    This scared me as a kid! Thanks for posting it!

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