Category: robot kits
Top 5 Raspberry Pi Creations
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen created with a Raspberry Pi? Found out more about the Raspberry Pi Watch the original videos: For more updates and videos, please subscribe to our channel. Join the conversation now: @IETtv #IETtv More YouTube Video from The IET: LET’S CONNECT! Tweets by TheIET…
Setting Up a Raspberry Pi
How to set up a Raspberry Pi, including case options, download of NOOBS software, formatting and file extraction to SD card, first boot, installation of Raspbian, and installation of Libre Office. Hurrah! 🙂 More information on the Raspberry Pi can be found at: More ExplainingComputers videos can be found at: Duration : 0:9:10
BeagleBone Black VS Raspberry Pi!
In this video we will have a look at the newly released BeagleBone Black and see how it fares against the mighty reign of the Raspberry Pi! I go through the pros and cons of each device, show you how you can use them as well as show you footage of both the Black and…
Get Started with Raspberry Pi 4 – Your First Pi Project – Connect your Raspberry Pi to a breadboard, download some code and create a push-button audio play project. Duration : 0:14:33
Know How… 31: Make a Raspberry Pi Media Center with XBMC
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a $35 Media Center with XBMC! Duration : 0:20:58